Our Ancestral Heritage & Heraldic Story
The Spurway’s Story  
We have started to trace the origin of the Spurway family. This is my mother’s family on her mother’s side which ties into the Mulcasters on my grand father’s side which is Watson..
We will update this part of our site as we go or when we have enough information to add.
We have found out the make up of the heraldic shield and coat of arms as depicted here. Heraldic Crest: A gold wheat-sheaf. Coat of arms: A silver shield with a gold spur rowel between two wheat sheaves on a blue bend.
Spelling variations of the family name include: Spurway, Spurvey, Spurrvey, Spurwaye, Spurrier and others. First found in Devonshire where they were seated from very ancient times, as Lords of the manor of Spurway Barton, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D. Some of the first settlers of the family name or some of its variants were: William Spuraway who settled in Virginia in 1663; Robert Spurway settled in the Barbados in 1685; John Spurway settled in Virginia in 1687; Michael Spurrier settled in Virginia in 1635. In Newfoundland, Richard Spurway was a Boat keeper of Bay Bulls in 1681.
In our story so far we have researched back to 1280 Ricardo De Greda De Spurwaye. From him in his son and heir living in 1296 - Roberto De Spurwaye from him in five descents John living 1331, Thomas, Robert, Peter to John Spurway of Spurway
John Spurway of Spurway, living 1450 Son of Peter Spurway married Florence Daughter of Worthe, she bore him two children John (son and heir) and Thomas, John Spurway of Spurway died 27 July 1527.
John Spurway born abt.1470 married Agnes Daughter of Shurom she bore him a son Robert, before he died 7th April 1534 at the age of 64.
Robert Spurway, born abt. 1522, married the Daughter of Arundell she bore him one son John buried at Oakford.
John Spurway of Spurway, married Johanna she gave him four sons John, Humphrey, Richard and William, He was buried at Oakford.
John Spurway, married Alice, Daughter of Webber they had one son John, buried at Oakford.-
John Spurway, circa 1630 fathered two sons William and Richard
William Spurway of Spurway, bapt.1635 married 1664 to Margret, Daughter of Richard Spurway of Oakford they had a son John.
John Spurway of Spurway, married Dorothy Daughter of Pyne of Eastdowne on 24th Nov 1691 at Allwington, she gave him four children John, William d.1715 buried Hinish, Edward and Dorothy d. 1646. John died 1693.
John Spurway, married Petronilla Daughter of Barbor of Lacy she gave him four children Petronilla, William (1st son and heir), Dorothea, and John.
John Spurway, married Ellen (Eloner) Newton at Colyton 5 Oct 1730 she bore him three children John, James and Mary.
John Spurway, married Mary, Daughter of Thomas Isaac on 17 Oct 1819 she bore him six children John, James, Richard, Prudence, Mary, and William. Mary died 10 Oct1819 and John followed her two years later on 23 Oct 1821 they are both buried in Colyton church.
John Spurway of Shute, bpt. 30 March 1766 married Elizabeth, Daughter of Virgin on 28 Aug 1795 at Shute she gave him one child William.
William Spurway, born 4 Nov 1795 married Sarah, Daughter of Facey on the 8 Aug 1822 she gave him seven children Mary, Jane, William, Ann, John, Eli, Edwin and Emma.
John Spurway of Shute, born 5April 1828 married Elizabeth, Daughter of Snell in 1853 she bore him five children Bessie, John, Mary, Emma and Sarah.
John Spurway, born 2 Sept 1857 married Alma, Daughter of Warry at Colyton in 1881 she was born in Drimpton in 1863 and died at Babbacombe in 1933. She gave John nine children. William, Gertrude, Florence, (my Grandmother) Hurbert,Edward, Edith, Dorothy, Margret and Graham. John died 15 May 1922.
Florence Beatrice Spurway, born 1886 married Thomas Todd Mulcaster Watson in 1916. Forence was my grandmother, she gave birth to five girls, Diane, Margret (Peggy), Jane, Josephine and Angela Pictured right is the Watson family from left to right - front seated Florence (Nanny), Josephine, Jane (at the back) Peggy, Diana (next to Jane) Angela (the youngest) and Thomas seated.
Josephine Mary Spurway Watson, my mother, with my father Lawrence William Farr had two children myself and my Sister.